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2018/2019 SCREENING EXERCISE………….Click for More Details

UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR 2018/2019 SCREENING EXERCISE FOR ADMISSION This is to inform the general public that the University of Nigeria Post-UTME screening test will commence on Monday, July 23rd, 2018 and end on Wednesday 1st, August 2018. Registration exercise for the Post-UTME screening exercise will start on 5th July 2018 and end on 19th July 2018 on the University Portal Prospective students who made UNN their first choice and scored 180 and above should apply on the Portal as from 5th July. Prospective  Visually impaired students who made UNN their first choice and scored 120 and above should also apply  on the Portal as from 5th July.  Direct Entry Screening is scheduled on the 1st, August 2018. Mop-up for Post-UTME is scheduled to take place on 1st August 2018. Please endeavor to arrive at the venue 2 hours before your screening for accreditation. A fully detailed timetable for the Post-UTME screening tests will be published on the UNN website...


Facts about hand hygiene What is it? Hand hygiene means cleaning your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub. Why is it important? Good hand hygiene is the most effective way to stop infections spreading. Many infections, such as the common cold and the flu, are caused by spreading germs from person to person. Even when your hands look clean they can still be carrying germs. This is because they are so small that you just can’t see them. This is why when we touch other people or objects we can spread germs without even realizing it. When to wash your hands You should wash your hands properly and often, especially: before, during and after preparing food after going to the toilet or changing a nappy after you blow your nose, sneeze or cough when your hands are visibly dirty after smoking after handling or patting animals before and after taking care of someone who is sick when you enter and leave a healthcare facility. How to wash your hand...


 Premature wrinkles/aging  is when your skin undergoes an unnatural aging process, such as with extreme sun exposure or living with an unhealthy lifestyle.  There are other reasons your skin may age prematurely. Some people have medical conditions or are taking medications that age their skin.  COMMON CAUSES OF PREMATURE WRINKLES One of the biggest mistakes many people make is to disrupt the delicate skin around their eyes. Rubbing and pulling the skin in this area can cause darkness. Be sure to get enough sleep each night. Your skin renews and repairs itself while you sleep and this can’t happen if you’re lacking the sleep your body needs. Sleeping on your side isn’t good for your skin. It can break your facial skin down, which eventually are causes of wrinkles . Pursing your lips can also cause lip wrinkles . We purse our lips when we drink out of straws and when we smoke. Speaking of which, the chemicals in tobacco cigarettes can also prematurely age your ski...


Your heart beats 101,000 times a day. During your lifetime it will beat about three billion times and pump about 800 million pints of blood or about one million barrels -that’s enough to fill more than 3 super tankers. The adult heart pumps about five quarts of blood each minute – approximately 2,000 gallons of blood each day – throughout the body.  A typical athlete’s heart churns out up to eight gallons of blood per minute.     Blood Pumping Procedure The  deoxygenated blood  is collected from all parts of the body by the  right atrium . This deoxygenated blood is pushed into the lungs by the right ventricle. This takes place by the  Pulmonary Artery . The oxygenated blood is collected from the lungs by the left atrium. The  oxygenated blood  is pumped to all body parts by the left ventricle. This is carried out by the  Aorta . The filling up and emptying of the left side and the right side occurs in unison. The same...


A sesame seed-size parasite that feeds on human blood, the head louse ( Pediculus humanus capitis ) is a nuisance known around the world. These tiny insects infest human hair and can also sometimes be found in the eyebrows and eyelashes. Signs & symptoms Some people with lice never realize they're infested. However, there are several telltale signs that the bugs are present on the scalp, according to the Mayo Clinic. These include: A ticklish feeling on the scalp or neck.  An itchy scalp (the result of an allergic reaction to the bug's saliva). Small red bumps on the scalp, neck and shoulders.  The presence of lice on the scalp.  The presence of nits (lice eggs) on shafts of hair.  Difficulty sleeping, which can lead to irritability.                                                             ...