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Showing posts from May, 2017

TYPHOID - causes and symptoms.

    Typhoid is a common bacterial infection caused by salmonella typhi. Typhoid is usually accompanied by malaria parasite(MP). This bacteria lives in the intestine and blood stream of humans. Typhoid can be spread from human to human due to direct contact with the feaces of infected persons.    The bacteria are deposited in water or food by a human carrier and are then spread to other people in the area .  From the bloodstream this bacteria gets to the tissues and organs .                 SYMPTOMS OF TYPHOID      The major symptoms of typhoid infection are fever and rash. Typhoid fever most often reaches 104 degrees Fahrenheit.   Other symptoms can include weakness, abdominal pain,  constipation   and headaches; rarely, symptoms might include confusion,diarrhea ,  and vomiting (but not normally severe). In serious, untreated cases, the bowel can become perforated; this can...


Malaria is caused by a one-celled parasite called a Plasmodium . Female  Anopheles  mosquitoes pick up the parasite from infected people when they bite to obtain blood needed to nurture their eggs. Inside the mosquito the parasites reproduce and develop.  When the mosquito bites again, the parasites contained in the salivary gland are injected and pass into the blood of the person being bitten. Malaria parasites multiply rapidly in the liver and then in red blood cells of the infected person. One to two weeks after a person is infected the first symptoms of malaria appear: usually fever, headache, chills and vomiting. If not treated promptly with effective medicines, malaria can kill by infecting and destroying red blood cells and by clogging the capillaries that carry blood to the brain or other vital organs. In recent years, some human cases of malaria have also occurred with  Plasmodium knowlesi  – a species that causes malaria among monkeys and ...

Diabetes—Can You Reduce Your Risk?

Diabetes—Can You Reduce Your Risk? Courtesy : AWAKE! THE incidence of diabetes mellitus is increasing so quickly that it has become a global epidemic. There are two major types of diabetes. Type 1 starts mainly in childhood, and presently doctors do not know how to prevent it. This article is about type 2, which accounts for about 90 percent of all diabetes. While in the past it was seen as exclusive to adults, more recently type 2 diabetes has also been affecting children. Experts claim, however, that the risk of type 2 diabetes can be reduced. A little knowledge of this insidious disease may prove helpful to you. * What Is Diabetes? Diabetes is a condition that causes a person to have an excessive level of blood sugar. The disease upsets the normal process of transferring sugar from the bloodstream into cells that need it for energy. The result is damage to vital organs and impairment of blood circulation, sometimes leading to toe or foot amputation, blin...


A wound is a break or opening in the skin. Your skin protects your body from germs. When the skin is broken, even during surgery, germs can enter and cause infection. Wounds often occur because of an accident or injury. Types of wounds include: Cuts Scrapes Puncture wounds Burns Pressure sores A wound may be smooth or jagged. It may be near the surface of the skin or deeper. Deep wounds can affect : Tendons Muscles Ligaments Nerves Blood vessels Bones AMONG the numerous mechanisms that make human life possible is the body’s ability to heal wounds and regenerate damaged tissue. Th e process begins as soon as an injury occurs. Consider:  The healing process is made possible by a cascade of complex cellular functions: Platelets adhere to tissues around a wound, forming a blood clot and sealing damaged blood vessels. Inflammation protects against infection and removes any “debris” caused by  the injury. Within days, the bo dy beg...


    Syphilis a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Syphilis is caused by the bacteria  Treponema pallidum .             The bacteria infects by penetrating into the lining of the mouth or genital area.      In some occasions the disease is transfered through prolonged kissing and very close body contact.       Syphilis   cannot   be spread by toilet seats, door knobs,  swimming  pools, hot tubs, bath tubs, shared clothing, or eating utensils.                 Early symptoms of syphilis.  1. A small painless sore  2. Swelling of the lymph nodes located around or near the sore.  3. Skin rash which in some cases may not itch the victim.               HOW CAN SYPHILIS BE TREATED? If you've been infected with syphilis for less than a year, a single dose of penicillin is usually e...


                                                                                                                                                                       WHAT IS CANCER   Cancer arises from the transformation of normal cells into tumour cells in a multistage process that generally progresses from a pre-cancerous lesion to a malignant tumour. These changes are the result of the interaction between a person's genetic factors and 3 categories of external agents, including: 1.  PHYSICAL CARCINOGENS, such as ultraviolet and ionizing radiation. 2....