Most people get involved in so many activities each day, they end up having a head-ache. Stress-caused head-aches are so common in adults and children. Pills are efficient in relieving yourself of the head-ache. But the question is, how often will you continue to endanger your liver with ANAESTHETICS( drugs that can make a person not to feel pains)? Well here are some pill-free tips that can help you get rid of stress-caused head-aches. 1. Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can lead to a headache, especially if you've vomited recently or you're hungover. Drink a tall glass of water as soon as your head starts to hurt, and try to continue drinking small sips throughout the day. You may gradually feel the pain start to ease. Don’t drink water that’s too cold if you already have a headache. Extremely cold or iced water can trigger migraines in some people, especially if they’re already prone to migraine headaches. Room-temperature water ...